Wednesday, March 29, 2023

What is gematria effect

gematria Effect is a phenomenon in which certain words, phrases or numbers have a profound effect on our lives. It's an ancient esoteric practice used in both Judaism and Kabbalah to assign numerical values to words and letters to uncover deeper meanings and spiritual truths.

Gematria Effect has been credited as playing a role in everything from biblical prophecies to the success of businesses. For believers, each letter of the alphabet is seen to carry a certain symbolic or spiritual meaning that can reveal hidden messages in our lives.

To unlock the power of gematria you need to first understand the concept of gematria code. The code assigns numerical values to each letter of an alphabet. For example: A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 and so on. In this way, when you combine the numerical values of letters, it can produce an energy field that has a strong symbolic impact.

The idea behind gematria is that words, numbers or phrases with similar numerical values are linked by energy fields that can influence our life experience. This is known as 'gematria' effect - where certain words or numbers have an influence on what happens outside of the physical realm. To access this energy field you need to first uncover the letter's numerical value then how the value might relate to your life situation.

One example is when someone discovers their lucky number because they keep seeing it everywhere they go. This could be their personal gematria which they have purposefully tapped into through their recognition of it appearing around them all the time; its repetition snapping them out of their normal routine circumstances and into a higher aware state where they pay attention and recognise patterns more easily.

Although there are many skeptics, many practitioners believe that using gematia effects played a role in biblical scenarios such as Daniel interpreting Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel 2:27-28) where Daniel was able to gain insight into hidden mysteries through his understanding of Gematria codes within the text - unlocking secret information about future events recorded in Daniel's visions by means only available through Gematria effects.

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